The Dennison Download

Work Hard Rest Hard

Kara and Jack Dennison Season 1 Episode 3

Have you worn the label “workaholic” like a badge of honor? 

Have you subscribed to the hustle culture and are now starting to feel the wear and tear it’s taking on you both physically and mentally?

If you’ve been waking up wondering how you are going to get through another day of the grind, feeling anxious or stressed, this podcast is for you.

In this episode, Kara and Jack Dennison get real about the effects of burnout, dive into their experiences with burnout, and the changes they’ve made in their lives in order to continue to work hard AND rest hard.

In this episode, you can expect Jack and Kara to talk about:

  • Why the hustling mentality may actually set you back in your career.
  • How Kara healed from burnout both in Corporate and in Entrepreneurship and the lessons she learned from both.
  • How to identify what burnout is and when resting becomes critical.

Want to watch this episode instead of listening? 

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About Kara: Kara is the CEO of Optimized Career Solutions, an Executive Career and Leadership Coach and a Forbes Contributor. She is a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) who has spent her career as a Corporate Recruiting Leader, working closely with decision-makers. Throughout her career, Kara has personally reviewed over 300,000 resumes. Through her executive coaching programs, she has helped thousands of professionals land their dream jobs and has been responsible for negotiating over $10 million in salary increases over the last few years.

About Jack: Jack is the COO of Optimized Career Solutions, an Execuitve Career Coach, and comes from a life coaching, personal training, and philosophy background. As the Accountability and Mindset Coach in their coaching program, Jack is passionate about helping high achievers and leaders live impactful lives by shifting mindsets, gaining personal accountability, and achieving personal and professional wins that lead to major life transformations. As a high ticket sales closer, Jack has sold over $1M in high ticket sales in under 3 years.

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Jack LinkedIn - 

Instagram - @karadennisonsphr and @jackrdennison 

Tiktok - @karadennisonsphr

when I had burnt out in corporate and I ended up quitting my corporate job starting this business and the lessons
that I hadn't learned is really to set up some of those boundaries those
work-life Balance boundaries as well as the people pleasing and the perfectionist um mindsets that I had adopted
and I had really subscribed a lot to that hustle culture when we first started this business right where
if I work really hard I'm going to rise to the top and I was really watching a
lot of those entrepreneurs and it it burnt me out really quick and I
felt like I traded that nine to five or you know seven to seven or whatever for
a 24 7.
welcome back to the dance and download this is I believe our third episode our third real episode it's exciting
this is real now it's actually happening let's do this I know
um so this week I am really excited because well first before we get we dive into
this I want to talk a little bit about these topics that we're talking about
they're all stuff that were in the process of learning right so we're not experts at all like you know we had an
episode about people pleasing it's something that we're still working on actually funny story when we recorded
that episode about people pleasing what happened afterwards uh patterns of people pleasing a rose
finished recording that episode we left our offices and both of us kind of fall into people pleasing patterns right
immediately yeah it was It was kind of harsh because uh it was it wasn't
anything that was noted it was just kind of a subconscious thing that happened
and about a half hour later we both realized what was happening we're like oh my goodness this is nuts we need to
stop this yeah it was so interesting I think you went to go work out in uh the
garage which is now a gym which we transformed it to yes and I could tell something was bothering you
um and what it was I believe was we wanted to make dinner you wanted to work out it was later because we were
recording the podcast and we typically eat um and I think that was kind of stressing you out because you were
worried that maybe I was going to get upset that we were eating later right yeah I was really just trying to figure
out how I was going to accomplish the logistics of the things that I wanted to do with what had to be done and it was
all happening in my head and I had a partner I could have talked to about it and really could have walked by weight
walked our way through it but instead I just went to work started doing
preparing dinner started preparing smoothies and all the while thinking of all these things that I wanted to do and
I was frustrated because I feel I felt I didn't have the energy or the ability to do them all and I didn't even think of
using my tools I didn't even think I'm having a conversation with you about it no and it's interesting because we made
a post about this uh recently on our social media we talk about people pleasing a lot and one one of the
interesting thing about people pleasing is there's kind of a Sinister part about
pleasing that we didn't talk about is that it can be a manipulation thing and people people who are people pleasing
are not um trying to do this but you're trying in this scenario you were
trying to meet the expectations that you had of mine right that you had created
in your head without talking to me and it's so interesting that we ended up sitting
down to dinner after you worked out we talked it out we we laughed about it and we're like wow this is kind of the stuff
that we should be recording for the podcast because um and the reason why I'm bringing this
up is because when we talk about these things I want anyone who's listening to this podcast
to realize we're not talking about it in the fact that hey look at all these things that we've overcome and we've
transformed and we've become experts at no not at all right the reason why we're talking about it is because
it's something that we're working on transforming for ourselves and maybe you might be struggling with
too and let's talk about it and talk about why it's so hard for us and the
real life implications of trying to transform
and go along the journey with us right because I think that that's more important
than actually seeing someone who's completely transformed this is not a problem for them anymore and then when I
look at them on stage or listen to them on a podcast or a TV show or whatever it's almost like oh God that's great but
what's what about the journey how did you get there right yeah let me see some
bumps along the way yeah so I want to be able to share that on this podcast
um and I wanted to be honest with with anyone who's listening here is that we recorded a podcast about people pleasing
and then immediately fell into people pleasing habits right after um
and it was interesting because as you were trying to people please and and make sure that I was happy when I came
to our daily routine I saw that you were upset and I started trying to people please and find things that would make
you happy at the same time and it was a very interesting uh Dynamic so
not about what we were talking about today but listen for anyone who is listening along with us to the dentist
and download we're going to be talking about some heavy topics right some topics that
we're still working on that might be raw nerves or you know the tough subjects
for us as well and we want to be honest with you as we go through this as uh
we're transforming as we're learning about these things as well so with that being said something that
we've been working on a lot this year is one of my new mottos what's that work
hard rest hard I don't know why I sang it oh yeah I used to listen to that work hard play hard work hard play hard song
all the time in the gym but I changed a little bit to work hard rest hard
and it's because I burnt out again this year at the beginning of the year
yeah yeah that was uh that was definitely a struggle kind of watching you go through that and really
also very proud to watch you go through that because I watched you really use a
lot and lean on a lot of tools that you had and really were able to overcome and heal a lot of the the burnout by really
changing your state and and really focusing on yourself and how you were feeling and processing emotions and not
being satisfied with just this is how I am right like you were you were consistently willing to do the work and
and one and ask yourself why am I feeling this way what's going on and you
were able to uncover some pretty cool stuff yeah a lot it was it was wild I
um I had burnt out before when I was working in corporate and I thought I had
learned the lessons when that happened before and apparently the lessons will
repeat until you really learn them and I did learn some lessons um when I had burnt out in corporate and
I ended up quitting my corporate job starting this business and the lessons that I hadn't learned is
really to set up some of those boundaries those work-life Balance boundaries as well as the people
pleasing and the perfectionist mindsets that I had adopted and I had really
subscribed a lot to that hustle culture when we first started this business right where
if I work really hard I'm going to rise to the top and I was really watching a
lot of those entrepreneurs and it it burnt me out really quick and I
felt like I traded that nine to five or you know seven to seven or whatever for
a 24 7. um and I remember there were nights right before I felt like I crashed and
burned and burnt out again where I was waking up at like five or six in the morning bringing my phone into the
bathroom starting work and then you were taking the phone and my glasses off at the middle or at the end of the night
and talking me into bed and um I just don't think we're made to work
that way you know no I think a lot of people are figuring that out that we're really not built to
have this constant level of concentration uh on a specific task or a
specific thing for a long time um and while it does work for some to
see great results usually those individuals uh they they provide balance for themselves in other ways right they
they find ways to carve out uh those niches of time for themselves where they
can they can recharge and we just don't see that like we we see the the success
we see the the comments of the Hustle but we don't see the balance we don't see the other side of their equation
where they're spending time with family where they're enjoying good meals where they're taking it easy at the end of the
day enjoying some good scenery or a nice meal um and and or the time the quiet time
that they spend with themselves we don't ever get that side on social media by
and large and it's because that's not attractive that's not what people want to see people don't want to know how
you're resting because they're hustling they're grinding they're doing everything they can for themselves and when they show up and they see you
resting it's like oh well I don't get to do that and yeah or it's almost kind of
like I almost want to say it it's like the the slow way versus the fast way right
so with the hustle culture when you see it on social media it's like oh man if I could just put on in like a year of
really hard work or if I could just do this or oh man they just did that right and look at the success that they had
but it's not sustainable right like that is not sustainable
and what you don't see is all of the other stuff that goes into it right and the failing and the mistakes and
um and the things that need to be done like the the not sexy stuff right like the sexy stuff is the the wins and the
look at what I've gotten and the awards and all that other fun stuff but
the reason why I burnt out is because I just I wanted I
wanted to help more people I liked the um the wins that I was getting I liked
helping more people I liked getting on Tick Tock I liked that dopamine hit that I got when I was getting more views and
more um comments and all of that stuff that was happening and what I didn't realize
was that a lot of my bad behaviors were kind of playing into that too right that
people pleasing right where it's like oh well I can just put myself last because someone just commented and they had a
question and I can respond to that real quick because it's only going to take me five minutes or someone messaged me and
it's only going to take me five to ten minutes and that's okay I'll respond or someone wants to meet with me tonight
all right that's fine I'll go ahead and do it or this trend is happening on Tick
Tock I can I can quickly do a video real quick right well those five minutes add up right and if three people are asking
to meet with me today and 10 people are commenting or messaging while all of a
sudden that's three to four hours of my day that I hadn't planned or budgeted or
whatever and so what I had realized is that I was giving and giving and giving which is
fine I like to be able to give but all of a sudden I realized I wasn't giving to myself
and my cup was empty and then I realized when I was giving I almost
I almost wasn't an active player in that because I didn't know what I was saying I had memory problems I had focus
problems and I was dropping the ball on a lot of different things and
um it became a problem it became a problem and one weekend it just it took me out completely and I was in
excruciating pain and I had to go to the hospital and that it was months and months and months
of tests and x-rays and MRIs and hospitals and doctors and all this other
stuff and it I had to stop because I didn't have the time and the
energy anymore and that's a problem because I had that happen to me twice in my life
and I wonder how many high Achievers and professionals and leaders out there have had that happen to them too
I think it's more than we think yeah because that's not sexy to talk about right it's not sexy for me to come on
here and you know I get I feel my teeth getting hot but it's not sexy for me to come on here onto a podcast and say
because I've spent nearly 20 years living in a state of anxiety and stress
and panic I now have a colon I have to deal with I now have a benign
tumor that's grown on my liver right like I have these things I spent months
in fear of blood cancer right like none of these things are sexy no one talks about these things but I'm going to talk
about them because those things while they're not sexy they're real and I deal with them every
day and I have to now be very cognizant of my time and my energy because I
wasn't for 20 years and I pushed myself to the Limit every day
so on that wonderful and beautiful no I want to take a quick break because we're
going to start you know adding an ad space into here but I want to come back and I want to talk about this because if
you're listening to this and this is where you're at where you feel where you are waking up every morning either in
pain or asking yourself how do I get through this day how do I
do another day because every morning you're either waking up anxious or in pain or stressed or just
exhausted because you don't know how to get through the day there is hope there is ways to you know change patterns and
there's a way to recognize burnout and things like that we want to talk about it because I don't wake up that way I've
changed my patterns I have transformed and I'm very excited but it was it was tough it was tough and I want to
illuminate some of the things that I've gone through and some of the things that we've transformed um
because your body will tell you to stop if you don't right so let's take a quick
break and then we'll be right back if you're ready for a transformation and you're not sure where to start we
suggest looking at where your money comes from your career funds the rest of your life if you're feeling burnt out
unfulfilled stagnant or unfulfilled in your career that can easily start to bleed over to the rest of your life
most high Achievers and leaders are great at what they do but when it comes to finding that next level or a company
that aligns with their values attempting a job search can be frustrating at least and demoralizing at most the traditional
job search of submitting your resume to job boards only yields about a two percent ROI when it comes to interviews
and it can leave job Seekers feeling anxious rejected and with feelings of imposter syndrome and low self-worth at
optimized career Solutions we want to help transform your job search we help by giving you the branding on your
resume and Linkedin profile that sets you apart as the industry leader or professional you are but we don't stop
there we give you the proven strategies that Empower you to be the leader you are in your career within your job
search by getting directly connected to decision makers and teaching you how to tell your impactful story to leaders at
companies you're excited to work with book your free consultation either with myself or Jack at get on this recall we will dive deeper into your career goals with you and show you
how we can support you in achieving them without the frustration and rejection most job Seekers feel
we're going to also help you transform your mindset and gain invaluable skills that you'll use throughout the rest of
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okay welcome back now I know the top of the show was a little bit heavy but I want to tell you Jack and you know this
and the listeners something really exciting that happened this week what actually happened
I took off for the first time in my business
an unplanned day off what prompted that well I was sick I was
sick um I had an upper respiratory infection and so last week was the week that I
took off a couple of days the week before I was really not feeling good thought it was allergies took the you
know push through popped the medicine right DayQuil and the Mucinex and all that other stuff
waited the weekend rested all weekend on Monday morning I woke up and it was worse it just felt worse and old Kara
previous Cara would pop the the DayQuil pop the Mucinex pop
ibuprofen would talk yourself up throw on the makeup
realize that she works from home and zoom and just push through and on Monday I looked at you and I said
I can't do this I can't do it because I was staring down oh the week prior where
I pushed myself through it um on weekend where I didn't really rest as well as I wanted to and I was staring
down a busy week and I just knew that I could not I just couldn't do it I was
exhausted I was sick and so I canceled my meetings and I rescheduled it and
prior I I just wouldn't have been able to do
that the fear and the anxiety of canceling on people has been paralyzing
in the past and I did it I just was that sick I went to
the doctors I got medication and I ended up taking two full days off and I canceled uh with people and everyone was
understanding like no one the world didn't stop it was crazy it was it was
surprising that the world didn't stop oh
yeah it seems like we have this
this idea that if we're not plugged in if we're not immediately actively doing
something there's no way we can continue to move forward there's absolutely no way we can stay on track and
what I found is that in fact if I just
work efficient and I take more time off and I take more
breaks I actually do better yeah I'm more energized I'm happier I'm able
to better maintain my energy I'm able to take on more different types of tasks
I'm also able to complete things at a high level because
I'm taking more breaks I'm giving my brain an ability to rebound throughout
the day because as being an entrepreneur you got to jump in and do so many different things right you have to be accountable to it all and sometimes
being accountable to it all and concentrating thinking about it all
that can eventually just lead to not being productive it can lead to
basically energy leaks in the brain where now you're no longer able to show
up the way you were you don't have the motivation to do it you don't have the energy to do it because
you never took that break for your brain right because you you had mentioned you were working
seven to seven when you were corporate you went to that 24 7 365 was an entrepreneur and showing up on Tick Tock
showing up for our clients getting emails getting prospective clients all of these things just constantly Around
the Clock your brain was basically just a Non-Stop support center yeah
constantly on call constantly serving these clients and your brain never got a chance to shut
off so there's no wonder you were having trouble concentrating no wonder you were having trouble remembering what you were talking about and all these other areas
because Studies have shown that these are the things people struggle with when they're never letting the brain shut off
and unfortunately we also had to learn new new ways to relax yeah right the
go-to's weren't good anymore we no longer could do social media scrolling
at the end of the day to help kind of relax and and go and go into the end of the day because now social media was a
form of work yeah yeah Tick Tock scrolling was was work
for me it was you know market research and yeah and so what did we do right
because I had to make changes as a leader in my business as the CEO as someone who was
in every aspect of my business I had to make changes and so
because I want to get some actionable stuff that people can make but I want to also tell people what I did as well so
for me we hired people we hire people so thankfully we had
hired a fantastic business coach shout out Ryan shout out Ryan
um fantastic business coach the one of the first things that he did was he had
us develop our 10-year vision and tenure from now Cara is not in every
aspect of my business right she's not answering every email she's not you know in every aspect of marketing and all
that other stuff so um I had to really tap into tenure para and let go of a lot of the things that I
was um frankly controlling right because when you start your own business it's
your baby it is your baby and when if you are starting a business and you're in the first year you are in every
aspect of your business you might not have the funds or the ability to scale and hire people but I was at that point
and I hadn't done it yet and I did um at that point because I had to so I
hired a marketing director who was fantastic I hired a marketing coordinator and I handed over all of my
marketing the good news is that I had filmed like 500 tick tocks in that period where I was burning out and so
they were able to take all of that incredible content and syndicated across Facebook Instagram and Linkedin all of
this great stuff while I was able to take a break I hired a coach I hired a coach for our coaching program who
actually specializes in Burnout she helped heal me uh well helped me heal by
giving me tools and now she helps my clients heal which is fantastic Rebecca
shout out Rebecca um and then what we did is we figured out what else was on my plate delegated
that out shout out to you jack um for giving uh or taking over a lot of the
sales and welcoming clients in so that I was able to remove myself from a lot of
aspects of the business and then I re um re-evaluated what success looks like
right because a lot of times for high Achievers it's just the next big thing but sometimes success is ambiguous right
so for me I just wanted to be the best but I didn't know what that meant right and so I had to figure out what the best
is right and so I ended up redefining that as the best version of me and that
included letting go of guilt letting go of perfectionism letting go of being a
people pleaser letting go of needing to control things right so that is a lot of
the things that I ended up doing and it Crea it ended up being a lot of that deep internal work of
um belief systems that I had formed when I was younger that no longer served me anymore
um one of those really being that like you said the world is not going to fall apart if I'm not there you know and
when you're people pleasing or that perfectionism stuff it actually is a
belief system that it's almost it's like letting go of that ego right because you believe that you
are the best person for the job but you can't do everything and so I had to let
that go and what I found is as I was resting and what that rest was is it was spending
time in nature getting a hammock right looking at the trees reading books right
actual books listening to audiobooks so that I can let my uh my brain and my eyes take a break from screens and
things like that um what I found is that rest for me is
you can work and when you're working you're you're kind of hammering out a new container for yourself right you're
expanding your container but as you're doing that you're expending your energy and so you're
draining it and if you don't give yourself the time to rest to sleep to get good sleep to meditate to let your
brain um think about you and yourself and the things that you
do you won't allow yourself to feed with energy to fill that new container
so all of a sudden you will crash and burn because you're just hammering and hammering and hammering and hammering
and all of a sudden you won't have any energy left right and that that container will eventually crack
um and that's what happened to me so one of the things that I want to talk
about and you know I've been talking a lot this episode so I'll turn it over to you but you know
um you also were starting to feel a little bit of burnt out too because you've carried a lot of the load and
when I was starting to heal we switched we gave you a couple weeks off and I took over the load so that you could
heal is really how to identify what burnout is how to identify when you need to rest
when that container is emptying a little bit and you might need to switch priorities and focus on yourself so that
you can rest fill back up your cup so that you can be um back on your game because at the end
of the day it is about the quality when you are at work you want to give quality hours you want to be intentional with
your time so that when you're off you can rest and fill your container back up
um what are some signs for you that you notice when you're starting to burn out or or feel too stressed
for me I noticed that um I tend to want escapism okay I tend to
lean into uh patterns of getting away from who I am right whether that's
finding uh a video game that I can spend time in and being in a whole nother
world that I can actually control right because uh that's what we're talking about here is concentrating uh to be
able to control and get a certain outcome so I found myself doing the escapism to do that exact thing and
I noticed I would go to it too often because it's okay to to have certain you
know things that you enjoy that you go to whether it's a it's a nice TV show you want to watch or maybe you do like
playing video games or a certain hobby it's great to have those things as outlets for your energy and to be able
to enjoy but if you're going to it so often and you're not getting the benefits of that right where you're
you're going to as a go-to but it's not fulfilling you it's not giving you back
what it should well that potentially could be a sign that maybe you're
starting to feel that burnout because video games lost its flavor for a while
for me where I just stopped playing and it was because I wasn't it was draining me it was
draining more than it was given back because I was escaping to it at the end of my day and but my brain was staying
turned on and then I'd go fall asleep wake up and and then have to concentrate on work and then I'd go repeat the cycle
yeah escapism is a big thing for me I love my
job obviously this business I love it um that wasn't always the case in corporate but for me I find that I need
some TLC I need some rest to win um or I'm I need to check in with myself
when I'm not feeling motivated by my job when I don't have the passion when there's no joy there's so I think one of
the things that I'm hearing when you're talking about video games is when you start to lose passion for the things
that you love right when you're not motivated to do things that you're you're passionate about your hobbies things like that that can be a really
big sign for Burnout for stress right um because the things that you love your
passions your hobbies those those things obviously are your passions for a reason right they motivate you they get you
excited um and when when you're not feeling those things when those things don't you
know turn you on that's a that's a big indicator um I was reading this article and I have
it up on my other screen over here for those watching on YouTube by the way we're on YouTube check us out uh if you
want to watch us live instead of listen to us um from psychological science uh dot org
which shows the six key components to workplace environment burnout
um these six areas when they are chronologically or chronically sorry chronically mismatched
um between an individual and their job this is when burnout can happen and I thought it was really interesting so the
six areas are workload so too much work um and that was a big thing for me control
reward Community fairness and values
so I want to break those down a little bit so workload if you so for instance someone gets let go They're not going to
hire anyone else so they're just going to spread the workload over all of a sudden you're doing way too much how often does that happen right especially
during the pandemic um control so for instance you have a micromanaging boss and you feel like you
don't have autonomy or control over your own work or um maybe you uh have co-workers that are
controlling one piece of the project and you have another and you just feel like you can't control your own work autonomy is a huge piece that employees research
shows want so if you're a leader and you're listening to this
um check yourself right if you have employees that are burnt out are you micromanaging do you need to let go of
control a little bit right uh reward if people are not being paid fairly if
they're not but also if they're not being recognized if they're not verbally being rewarded a
lot of times uh I've also read a lot of researches research articles and and surveys and
things like that that a lot of employees will prefer to be verbally appreciated
by their boss more so than financially compensated
um community so loving their group loving their team feeling connected with
the culture fairness if they I mean that's pretty self-explanatory they
don't feel like they're being treated fairly uh absolutely and value so if you this is a huge one too so when I was
first working at um my last corporate job I absolutely aligned with the values of the company and then about four years
into it it's shifted the culture shifted and I stayed for an extra two two and a
half years because I was loyal and because I wanted to stick it back and it never did right and so that happens to a
lot of people right companies shift their culture shift their value shift and then or maybe you shift and you
change and you're no longer aligned and that can cause a lot of um burnout so um there are are a lot of
signs of stress and burnout right loss of focus loss of concentration losing
memory problems those types of things burnout affects your brain the amygdala
a lot so if you're having a lot of issues sleeping being stressed
emotional distress a lot of that can relate to burnout as well it might be
time for some rest Jack I know that you have some um stats on what is good rest we mentioned that
scrolling through social media might not be the best idea for rest or for breaks yeah so fatigue can kick in obviously
for a ton of different reasons but best ways to kind of take breaks are get away from what you're currently concentrating
on so if you're an entrepreneur and you have x uh tasks in front of you maybe
there's some other tasks you could switch to um that could give you your mind a break or concentration or break maybe you
could do more creative things um or just more admin type of tasks something that's going to give your
brain a little bit of a switch the other things are really trying to make sure
that if you do work on a computer get away from the computer give your brain give your eyes a break and what does
that look like it could be uh meditation breaks it could be reading it could be going for a walk it could be having the
conversation calling a friend talking with somebody it there are so many different ways you can go through life
and just kind of give yourself something that's going to be a little different don't be afraid to daydream watch
something funny um I these are the things that really
are going to be different than the concentration and studies show that if you have a break like this you're gonna
be a lot more productive and a lot more willing to concentrate and do your job well if you are giving yourself breaks
like this regularly yeah absolutely awesome well that is um our episode for
now on work hard rest hard this is something that is really important to us
um you know the the parable or the Fable whatever it's
called of the tortoise and the hair we have found that
yes you can get there like we talked about the fast way the hustle way the quick way but it does tend to come with
some repercussions right and so when if you're building your own business if
you're entrepreneurship or even just in work right when you're working at in corporate it's okay to take breaks it is
okay to take care of you there is only one of you and if you're taken out then
it doesn't matter how hard or slow you were because you won't be there right so
you are your most important asset take care of yourself And subscribe to the Denizen download
right wherever you listen to uh podcast uh we are everywhere we would love and
greatly appreciate if you would subscribe give us a five star review we would really really appreciate that but
in the end sincerely take care of yourself this week uh Jack any followers
from you just be be willing to invest in yourself right and that's what taking breaks are
it's really investing in yourself and giving yourself the bandwidth to be able to do more yeah absolutely check us out
on YouTube if uh you would rather watch us instead of listen to us um and again subscribe to us from
wherever you listen to your podcast and from our family to yours have a great week foreign

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