The Dennison Download

What is Transformation

Kara and Jack Dennison Season 1 Episode 1

What exactly is transformation? You might be ready for a change but can you honestly say you're ready to face the new you when you look in the mirror?

In this episode, Kara and Jack discuss transformation, how valuable and fun changes can be, but also how scary. One day you wake up and you’re a completely different person, are you ready for that?

Kara and Jack have not only helped their clients to initiate transformation but have also experienced their own radical changes.

In this first full episode, you can expect Jack and Kara to talk about:

  • What transformation actually is and why it’s so vital for your success
  • How you can start initiating change and transformation today 
  • Jack and Kara discuss why it’s natural to be afraid of change, and why that is. Is it the fear of failure or success? Or maybe it’s because of the unknown?

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About Kara: Kara is the CEO of Optimized Career Solutions, an Executive Career and Leadership Coach and a Forbes Contributor. She is a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) who has spent her career as a Corporate Recruiting Leader, working closely with

decision-makers. Throughout her career, Kara has personally reviewed over 300,000 resumes. Through her executive coaching programs, she has helped thousands of professionals land their dream jobs and has been responsible for negotiating over $10 million in salary increases over the last few years.

About Jack:  Jack is the COO of Optimized Career Solutions, an Executive Career Coach, and comes from a life coaching, personal training, and philosophy background. As the Accountability and Mindset Coach in their coaching program, Jack is passionate about helping high achievers and leaders live impactful lives by shifting mindsets, gaining personal accountability, and achieving personal and professional wins that lead to major life transformations. As a high ticket sales closer, Jack has sold over $1M in high ticket sales in under 3 years.

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Kara LinkedIn –

Jack LinkedIn - 

Instagram - @karadennisonsphr and @jackrdennison 

Tiktok - @karadennisonsphr

I have transformed over and over and
over and over again the version of
myself that I am today is nowhere near
who I was growing up or who I was at the
beginning of this year or a few years
ago or even who I was a couple months
ago right and what's exciting is that we
we share these lessons with our clients
we share what we're going through with
our clients and we help our clients
transform and what's exciting is that
yeah they get new jobs which is awesome
we love new jobs and more pay I'm more
pay yeah let's let's not forget about
that but
at the end they become different
versions of themselves too
welcome to the Denison download this is
our first intro episode Jack wow it's so
great for this finally beater I know
we've been talking about this for almost
a year now it's exciting it's exciting
so much to share so much to share so
like our intro says we are obviously
Cara Denison Jack Dennison and we
explore transformation and we do that in
the way that we work the way we live the
way we love the way we connect with
and it's exciting we really really want
to share this with everyone with anyone
who wants to listen to our podcast right
anybody who is looking to be better at
anything in their life or want something
different than what they have right now
this is a must listen because we've been
through it we've experienced it
firsthand and we've gotten to work with
so many people who have also given us so
much experiences of watching others
change transform and grow this is going
to be awesome yeah I am so so thrilled
so I guess we should start out and tell
people who the hell are the denizens and
why should they listen to this podcast
right yeah just a zany couple that
decided to move out of the city up into
the Hills right yeah yeah so this
podcast is sort of a passion project for
um and who are we so I'm Kara Dennison
uh some of you might know me if you're
listening to this podcast you may have
listened to a previous podcast that I
hosted or found me on Tick Tock or
LinkedIn or all of the social media
platforms I'm an executive career coach
I am also a Forbes contributor I've
helped a lot of people with Jack my
um through our various coaching programs
I was in a coaching program helping a
previous partner for a while we split
off at the beginning of 2021 and Jack
and I have been doing our own coaching
program and what we've been doing is
helping professionals
change their lives really but Focus
mainly on the job search Landing that
next dream job changing their careers
and who who are you Jack
well as a leader of the program I
actually come from a life coaching
background I also happened to be a
personal trainer and uh really come from
that Fitness industry added a Philosophy
degree so my job my role is just giving
people ways to look at things
differently than what they're currently
looking at and uh really that's how I
like to show up in the world yeah I love
that and what's interesting is when we
first started this business or when I
first started this business and you
joined me I really thought the core of
what this business was the core of who I
was was careers Human Resources right
I'm sphr certified I got my uh career
really off the ground and running in
human resources and that's what we built
a lot of our business around right we
have at the time or currently at the
time of this recording we have three
main products we have a job search
course we have resume LinkedIn
optimizations we have an unlimited
coaching program
and I thought that's really who I was
right I I know careers I know
interviewing I know resumes I know all
this other stuff but really after this
year which has been
mind-blowing at least it's been
incredible I realize that our core is
transformation that's that's really who
we are uh you and I
um and I won't speak for you but for
myself I have transformed over and over
and over and over again the version of
myself that I am today is nowhere near
who I was growing up or who I was at the
beginning of this year or a few years
ago or even who I was a couple months
ago right and what's exciting is that we
we share these lessons with our clients
we share what we're going through with
our clients and we help our clients
transform and what's exciting is that
yeah they get new jobs which is awesome
we love new jobs and more pay and more
pay yeah let's let's not forget about
that but
at the end they become different
versions of themselves too and
while we're going through this we learn
incredible lessons we learn ways to
change our mindsets and we want to share
it with the world right yeah there's
just always uncovering another layer a
new way to look at something a new way
to experience something A New
Perspective if you will to just allow
the mind to flourish and really take
another step towards progressing towards
the best version of yourself it's it's
really been an awesome Journey so far
and I honestly can't wait to see what
comes next because uh man have there
been some wild experiences that's for
sure I should say the least so one of
the things that I want to share is
you know when people look at me when
people meet me today it's it's exciting
um one I love meeting people first of
all but second of all they
they don't always know the full story
and for most of my life all the way up
until probably three or four years ago I
spent the majority of my life really
living it in in a state of anxiety or
throwing up a lot from my anxiety uh
panic and really not being an active
player in my own life and we'll talk
about this in other episodes but the
reason why I'm bringing this up now is
that I spent a majority of my life not
even really enjoying it not wanting to
be here
um to be truthful and now through the
iterations of of transformation that
I've gone through the different versions
of myself
I am living a life that I am proud to be
living I am thrilled I'm excited I'm I'm
transformed in the fact that
I wake up every day and I'm happy now
I'm not happy every single moment of the
day I mean it's it's almost nearly
impossible to do that but it is
it is exciting it's exciting the life
that I'm living and
um I've been able to transform in other
ways right there's there's physical
Transformations I've lost weight you've
lost weight we've transformed our
routines we've transformed our mindsets
um and all that has gotten me to a place
of where I genuinely feel Joy and that's
exciting for me and so the reason why I
want to to show this and share this at
the first intro uh episode that we're
doing is because
a lot of times when you meet people
after they've gone through a lot of
Transformations it's easy to say ah it's
easy for you it's easy for you to to be
happy it's easy for you to pick up a new
routine or whatever right I want to tell
you right now it wasn't easy for me it
was not easy for me for a long time and
life was very very difficult
um and so a lot of the things that we're
going to be sharing have come from our
experiences and has also come from a lot
of research it's come from our
experiences working with a lot of people
in a lot of different states in their
um and
backing that up with research with with
data with reading and things like that
as well and so
we hope that you join us we really do we
hope that you can learn from our
experience we hope that you can take
some nuggets away
um we also hope that you you can laugh
along with us yeah this journey because
this is this is going to be fun we we're
not doing this uh just just so that we
have another assignment we've got plenty
of work we can do in our business we're
doing this because one we know people
need to hear this story because we have
conversations with people every day who
don't understand how powerful
transformation is secondly we really
want to make sure that anybody who is
out there who's in a situation where
they don't feel they are able to change
their situation
this is for you because we want you to
be able to see what we've done what
we've helped others do and start putting
pieces into your life into a plan to be
able to get you to where you want to go
because it can happen for you too we see
it every day absolutely so what do we
envision with this podcast well we hope
to have guests on and and talk to them
about how they've transformed their
lives we want to be a little uh less
button up I know we're in our offices
right now but we want to show you the
denizens after hours right with our our
sleeves rolled up
um I initially wanted to call this this
podcast dinner with the denizens but
that felt a little too Donner party for
me at the end of the day you don't want
to watch me nah you don't want to see it
but Jack and I have these fun
conversations all the time philosophical
conversations uh conversations about
life love work networking
um about the universe all of this stuff
and we want to kind of let you in on
what conversations between the denizens
are like about the downloads we get from
the universe the downloads that we get
from the news and we want to download
those to you as well so we hope that you
join us please make sure that you
subscribe uh to us from wherever you
listen to our podcast we are streaming
everywhere and Jack take us out for our
first episode well if you enjoyed this
wait till you see what we got in store
for you because we cannot wait to share
some of these stories to just let you
know a little bit of the insights that
really have mattered to us to be able to
be the linchpin to get us to that next
stage and this is just something we're
so excited about I can't wait to share
that first story with you from our
family to yours be great and have a good

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